Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In at the Deep End

As my role as a new eLearning Manager crystallises there are a few key things I have to do. The first was to get a good understanding of what the scope of my role really is. As I?m now comfortable with that situation and there are plenty of definitions of eLearning out there and they are constantly shifting so I?m not going to define the term here other than to say that I will most likely to define it myself by what I do and what I write here.

The next task is to pick a set of software tools. As I?m in a situation where we have an LMS platform, suppliers that we co-own eLearning materials with and courses in progress using those materials the immediate pressure is on upgrading our provision and extending our capabilities. As we?ve got great asynchronous tools and products but are using only a basic online chat facility my first major task is to choose a synchronous eLearning platform that allows us to facilitate eLearning live to the internet.

To that end I've compiled a wishlist of features/benefits and prioritised them.

No Downloads
Must be ready to go with no user downloads
Live polling
Participant voting
Trainer drawing, typing & highlighting areas of the screen
One-way audio
Trainer talking directly to class
Session recording
Ability to playback the session and take content from it
PowerPoint style slides & uploading
Direct Messaging
Typed text messaging (as current)
The ability to automate certain portions of the session ahead of time and simply trigger them in the session
Highly desirable
Grant control
Hand over control of the session to another participant/trainer
Highly desirable
Live video
Video streaming to participants
Highly desirable
File transfer
Send participants files
Highly desirable
Breakout rooms
Split participants into workgroups for activities
Two way audio
Participants can reply to the trainer via audio
Application sharing
Show participants what?s on your screen
Feature only
All the usual suspects are under consideration for purchase as well as a few from leftfield. Check back for the shortlist in about a fortnight's time.

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